31 January, 2013

It's My Birthday!

And how have I celebrated my birthday so far? By having nightmares. Lots of them. About possession and other scary things.

The good news is I forced myself awake during one at 4:45am and now I have time for myself before school at 7:45.

I have great plans for my day of birth. School, and grocery shopping, and cleaning. And snuggles and possibly a nap or craft. That sounds like my kind of birthday. :-)

Maybe I'll finish the book that has been calling my name before I have to wake Isaiah up for school at 7.

Scratch that. The Isaiah is up.
Oh, great. He's sick.

Maybe I'll start the crying now. It is my birthday, after all.

What a great start to my birthday. /sarcasm.

30 January, 2013

Mamatography Week 4

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

17: Playing with his construction gear while we watch Gold Rush.

18: Oh No! The blimp popped! (My mom, a.k.a. Mama, works at Goodyear and gave Little I this blow-up blimp. I figure I'll just find the hole and super glue it.

 19: The face shot of the week. Still no improvement. (Yes, there will be one of these each week on whatever day I don't remember to take a picture of anything else.)

20: This corner needs some work. I want to make it into a reading area/chill out corner for Isaiah. Any ideas?

21: Apparently playing games on his Leap Pad really wears him out.

22: The yummy strawberry-banana smoothie I made for lunch. Isaiah got to have some with his peanut butter sandwich. On a side note: will that kid ever get tired of PB&J?

23: Isaiah apparently has Psoriasis too (he has little red, scaly spots all over his face). I can't wait for my coconut oil to get here!

Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!

23 January, 2013

Mamatography Week 3

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

10: Isaiah acting like he wasn't just BEGGING me to take pictures with him.

11: Measuring how much Little I has grown. He's now 43 3/4 inches tall!

12: Passed out at a red light on the way to Mama and Papa's house.

 13: Technically this started on the 12th, but it was close to midnight, so it counts as Sunday, right? I thought I heard someone breaking in next door, so I went to check it out. My weapon of choice? A Pampered Chef meat tenderizer. Also, later that night/morning, Isaiah woke me up screaming and crying saying a man was trying to break in through the window. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep and missed church

14: Monday, I started back to school. It was a good day, but my psoriasis doesn't look like it will be going anywhere anytime soon. (I ordered some coconut oil from Nutiva, but it won't come in till next week.)

 15: Mommy take a cheeze! My super hero in his pull-up.

 16: This is definitely what we needed Wednesday before school. A nice long nap.

Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!

16 January, 2013

Mamatography Days 3-9

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

      Thursday, we went to Mama and Papa's house for dinner (Stuffed pork chops. Mmm...)
Little I had fun playing with B's barn and turning it into a fire station. He also tried to build a "sand castle" with his cars, but when it fell down, he started crashing them into each other again.

     Friday, we headed over to their house again because my sister and her husband (N&N) came up for dinner. Ashley decided to show her perfected art of begging for pizza. She sat there for a VERY long time.

     Saturday, Papa brought over Isaiah's new basketball hoop that they got him for Christmas. After I finally got the net hooked up, Isaiah had a blast shooting hoops in the hallway.

     Sunday, we dressed up in our Sunday Best for church, then came home, ate, and took a very long and needed nap.

     Monday, we bought new electric toothbrushes. Little I now Loves to brush his teeth, so much so that I had to put his toothbrush up in the cabinet, lest he wear out the battery.

     Tuesday, we went to Mama and Papa's house so Isaiah could get his Papa fix while Mama was at a band booster meeting. He loves watching Batman with Papa in the big chair--and bugging B and her friend for horsey rides.

     Wednesday, we did a craft and cleaned up the house before going to church for Awana.

09 January, 2013

Mamatography 2013 Days 1 & 2

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

     Another year, another Mamatography project. This year, I'm going to try to post every Wednesday. I'm also going to post about a week or so behind, as suggested by Luschka, for safety and to help me have time for editing any photos if I choose to.

     New Year's Day: After about a zillion requests to turn his food into a robot (a chocolate robot at that) I finally just drew one on with honey mixed with cocoa powder. He loved it. I think I need more practice. :-P

     Day 2: A selfie, to (hopefully) remind me of my goals for the year--Getting healthy, becoming a better parent, etc... Also, you can see from my forehead below that the stress of the holidays is finally working its way to the surface: my psoriasis is running rampant across my upper body.

     Feel free to give me any tips for getting it to clear up again. I'll try anything for it to be gone by the time school gets back in full force again. Well, almost anything.

Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!