27 March, 2011

Hen House Creations: Sandwich Bag Review

I recently had the opportunity to review the sandwich bag from Hen House Creations on Facebook .

First Impressions:

It's really thin! It arrived in a regular mailing envelope and the only reason I knew it was the sandwich bag was from the return address. First, I pulled it out and unfolded it. It has a blue flower pattern on the outside, and a plastic lining on the inside, so it's easily wipe-able after using it. It looks pretty cool, don't you think?

Straight out of the envelope (unfolded)

Opened up (notice the Velcro)
 I couldn't get over how good the stitching was! Just learning how to sew, my stitching is never straight. Oh, and look at the pattern! The flowery blue fabric is too cute.
Just had to show the stitching. Can't wait till I fully learn how to sew.
 So the next thing I had to do, after admiring the bag, was put it to use. So the next day, when Little I had to go to daycare, I made his peanut butter sandwich and put it in.
Little I's peanut butter sandwich for daycare.
Well, it held up! Little I had his peanut butter sandwiches, I had my cinnamon-raisin bagel, and it really did its job. It did get a bit of peanut butter on the inside, but just like I thought, I just turned it inside out and it wiped right off!

The only criticisms I have is with the touch tape: the loop side (soft part) did get a bit fuzzy, but that's normal when you have a toddler who wants to pull at it all the time. Also, maybe having the touch tape all along the closure would be better? Nothing fell out, but I'm thinking that if I did use it for smaller snacks, the little bits and pieces might make their way into the bottom of the backpack/lunch sack, or be lost in the abyss of my purse.

All in all, it's a great product, and after using it for a few days, I can officially say I want more.

Want one of your own? Email Silvia at silviabuck@yahoo.com to request one!

**Update: 8/25/2012 I've had this sandwich bag for over a year and a half now, and I use it at least once a week when we go out to the park or somewhere that we'll need a snack/sandwich. It is still one of my favorite products because it is really what it promises: reusable, durable, and cute!

I received no financial compensation for this review. However, I did receive the sample free of charge. All opinions and thoughts shared are my own.
Okay, so I'm having a bit of a hard time here. I'm not writing as often as I wanted to or as often as I should. I'm lacking on here, and in real life.
I mean, I have a paper for Psychology due tomorrow, and I have yet to start it. Oh, gosh. What have I gotten myself into? Spring break really messed me up. :-(

On another note, last week was pretty good. Little I has been progressively getting better using a home remedy. He's also been spending less time sleeping in my bed. Although, I woke up last night at 2 AM to find him sleeping ON me, so I guess it's meant to be:
I know I look mad... but it was 2am and my arm was asleep.
Also, this past week has been good in school, too. (Aside from sleeping through all 3 of my alarms on Monday and missing my first class)

So, all in all, life is going pretty well. If I can get this 3 page paper written in the next couple of hours, it will be even better.


20 March, 2011

I admit it: I have a problem with commitment. I seriously intended to write every day, or at the very least every other day. Instead I've been putting it off--rolling ideas around in my head until they no longer sound good.
Can't you just tell he didn't feel good?

The past two weeks, Little I has been sick.  It started off just as a cough and runny nose, and I thought, "Great, he caught another cold at daycare." But no. Friday morning, he woke up with a low-grade fever, and by 11 o'clock that morning, it was a full blown fever of 104 degrees!

Little I feeling cuddly after a nap
And so I've been home with him since then. He's whiny, and sleepy, and wants to nurse constantly, and he's just plain sick. But the plus side is that when he's sick, he sleeps A LOT. Like All day. So I've had a chance to think and write and do homework and clean the house. And then today (Sunday, in case I don't actually post this today) he's feeling better and my house is back to being a wreck. But at least he's feeling better and I didn't catch it... yet. :-/

Uh-oh. Just heard a cup of milk hit the floor and splatter..Guess that means snack time is over (homemade yogurt and pineapple chunks, anyone?)

07 March, 2011

And So It Begins...

My first post. Who knew it would feel so scary to put my words out there for everyone to see!
I guess since this is my first post, I'll begin with telling a little about myself and Little I.

Me: I am a twenty-two year old single mom from Akron, Ohio. I am also a pre-nursing student at The University of Akron--although I still have four years left, so who knows where I'll eventually end up. I come from a very large (loud) family and I love it. They are very supportive, and are one of the main reasons Little I and I have made it this far.

I am what some would call "halfway crunchy". I believe in baby-led weaning and co-sleeping I attempt gentle discipline (although I do believe in "if/then" statements and consequences like time outs) and I recently discovered my love for cloth diapers and *gasp* cloth wipes.

Little I: Otherwise referred to as Little Man, Punk(in), Bugga, and probably many other things. He is your typical active little boy. Okay, probably more than the typical amount of "active", but if you know my family that's normal for us. He is a pretty picky eater (the only thing I know he'll like from one day to the next is booby milk, haha). He completely refuses most meat--the only ones he really likes are chicken (nuggets) and bacon... I know, so healthy. BUT-- He's big for his age; he was three feet tall and thirty-one pounds at 18 months old! He is constantly growing, both physically and mentally. He amazes me at everything he absorbs and how he reacts to everything around him. He loves The Backyardigans and watches it as much as I let him.

I don't think I'm perfect, or the perfect mom, but what I do works for us. So if you're interested, I guess it's time to start writing our adventures. Hope you enjoy the journey as much as we do.