27 February, 2013

Mamatography Week 8

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

45:  Isaiah's Valentines all done. The idea came from Jill at Baby Rabies. She even gave a free printable to go with it.

46: Being a construction guy has become Isaiah's favorite thing. So much so we have to keep a construction hat and measuring tape in the car for after school. Before he can be buckled up, he has to measure the car seat.

47: Eating spaghetti is something Isaiah almost never does. At least with red sauce. This was taken after he ate all his chicken.

48: Dinner at my mom's house. She tried a new chicken recipe, kind of like shake and bake, with Parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, and some spices.

49: Isaiah's handiwork. Self portrait of his night clothes.

50: My construction guy passed out cross legged in his seat.

51: Someone took a bite out of all the cookies that were on the cooling rack. This doesn't show that he ate 5 other cookies (I only had one before he got to them).

Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!

26 February, 2013

My Storyteller

Lately, Isaiah has begun inventing lots and lots of stories. He takes everything in our ordinary life and weaves it into an exciting tale.

Take Sunday afternoon: He was eating chips (Snyder's of Berlin Bar-B-Q chips are his favorite right now) and he decided that wasn't exciting enough. Thus began the tale of the bunny rabbit's quest for delicious potato chips.

But the real story, and the one I'm going to type out for you, is his bedtime story. The other night, after reading a short book to him, Isaiah decided that wasn't enough. He wanted to tell me a bedtime story, too. I'm going to write it exactly how it was said, or at least approximately. So here it is:

Once upon a time...
There was a monster named Bob. He had one eye. And he was blue and furry with long arms!
(Me: What kind of monster was Bob?)
He was a Tickle Monster!!
But he was a nice tickle monster.
He liked to tickle people and make them laugh. It made him feel much better when they laugh.
(Me: What happened next?)
He left his house to find someone to tickle. He saw a boy in a blue shirt.
He said, "Hmm... I'm going to tickle that boy."
(Me: Did he tickle him?)
No! He went to the little boy, but the little boy said, "Oh No! Please don't tickle me, I don't like it."
(Me: Oh, so what did he do?)
He saw another little boy in a red shirt. He asked the boy if he could tickle him. and he said, "Okay"
So he tickled him, and the little boy laughed. And Bob felt better.
(Me: So then what happened?)
He went home, because he was all better.
And he went to bed. Because he was tired.

The End.

20 February, 2013

Mamatography Week 7

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

 38: A sleeping Isaiah. It's always surprising when I wake up and he's in my bed in the morning, after putting him to bed in his own.

39:  Just your average Friday, but I forgot to take a picture.

40: No pictures again. Although we did have an interesting night. He kept sitting up in bed and saying, "Ni Hao." Presumably because he watched Kai Lan.

41: Isaiah picked out a beanbag chair for his reading corner and decided to try it out at Mama and Papa's house.

42: The coconut oil is Working!

43: Making 22 felt crayon holder Valentines for Isaiah's class. He came home with tons of candy.

44: Went to lunch with a friend at a Chinese buffet.

Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!

09 February, 2013

Mamatography Week 6

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

31  Playing Angry Birds on my Nook while waiting for food at Steak and Shake.

32  Haircut for Isaiah. First time he went back alone. He did really well!

33 Saturday, I made jello shots (and kept out some normal jello for Isaiah), got my nails done with my friend Kayla, and then we went out.

34 Sunday, B (aka Liz) and I planned a way to make some extra money: Sew/make things to sell to people. Liz will do horse centered stuff (girth cover, tail bags, horse hair bracelets, etc...) I'll be doing other stuff (hats, headbands/ear warmers, scarves, neck warmers, etc...) Mine will change with the seasons, Liz's probably won't, but who knows. If you want to order anything, here's the order form: https://adobeformscentral.com/?f=QzElop7x2UfZkSlGatGyyQ

35 Little I in the hat I made him. He didn't want a picture taken. :-P

36 The coconut oil finally came!!! Now to put this sucker to good use.

37 Selfie + New haircut. Same as before, just shorter.

Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!

06 February, 2013

Mamatography Week 5

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje. We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

24: Love making rice crispy treat "muffins" with Isaiah.

25: Fun with Mr. Potato Head

26: Got the corner kind of cleaned up.

27: My poor, sick little boy

28: Oops. No picture from today.

29: Added a different table, moved the book/movieshelf out of his corner

30: Yummy beef vegetable stew my mom made.

Without further ado, here are the Mamatography 2013 participants!