30 July, 2012

Veggie Juice Anyone?

I saw this post on one of my favorite blogs One Smiley Monkey about juicing (with fruits and veggies, not drugs like some meat heads) and it made me remember wanting to get a juicer to start making healthy and tasty juices so that Little I will get some sort of vegetable in him.

I've been thinking about this one:

Does anyone have any recommendations? Must be under $100.

29 July, 2012

Yogurt Dots: Pinterest Sunday

Another Sunday had rolled around and it's time to work on something from my Pinterest board.

Since it is the middle of summer, and it has been relatively hot lately, I decided to make frozen yogurt dots, found at One Good Thing by Jillee.

Another simple pin:

Take your yogurt; put it in a plastic baggie; snip off the corner; and put "dots" of yogurt over a nonstick pan. Then freeze for 2 hours.

This is where the impatience in me comes out. 2 hours to freeze little mounds of yogurt? Ugh!

I waited (not so) patiently and distracted myself by doing laundry.

Two hours later (give or take) out come the frozen yogurt dots:

Taste tester... ignore the massive amount of toys and stuff. :-)
Hmm... gotta think about this one

Two thumbs up!
My only complaint is that it may be too hot in my house for these--they began to melt shortly after removing them from the freezer.

Overall, Little I loved them and we will definitely make them again, or maybe in the form of a Popsicle.

28 July, 2012

Mamatography: Days 204-210

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.
 This week is was Vacation Bible School at my church. I took Little I and my best friend's 3 year old son M.

This week we did a lot of running around, playing, and learning new things.

Also, I got approved for Unemployment. Apparently Homesite tried to fight it but their evidence wasn't enough to support firing me.  Oh. And I start school on 8/27. I'm pretty excited.
Got bored and gave myself a French manicure.

M in Little I's roller skates.
Playing with tractors. Good thing I have 2 of just about everything.

After playing with his "sand"
I don't even know.
Sleeping. It's pretty much the only time he holds still.   
Playing with firetrucks at Mama and Papa's house.

22 July, 2012

Cloud Dough: Pinterest Sunday

I'm starting something new to encourage myself to actually try some of the things I have been pinning--and try to justify my Pinterest addiction. First up is Cloud Dough.

It seemed simple enough, and much cheaper than actual cloud dough. It also worked out with the sand table I bought for Little I's birthday in June (I can't believe I have a 3 year old!)

The directions:
8 cups flour
1 cup baby oil
Mix and play!

So the way I figured it out, 3 bags of flour equals 2 ish bottles of baby oil. It may have been off a bit, but it doesn't look like it has made much of a difference.

Finished Product:

I never did quite get a picture of the formed bucket-fulls of "sand" because he smushed them too quick.
However he did decide it would make a great addition to his hair (and everywhere else) the other day.

21 July, 2012

Mamatography: Days 197-203

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.
Saw this on Pinterest. Didn't come out perfect, but I'm sure I'll get better with practice.

I mustache you a question.

The bounce house at Vacation Bible School

Happy Boy!

Little I loves his sand table, and you'll hear more about the "sand" tomorrow in a new post I'm trying out.

Early morning self portrait.

Little I got a haircut!

He looks so much older now!


14 July, 2012

Mamatography: Days 190-196

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.
We stopped Saturday night at the same campground we stopped at last Wednesday night in TN. We got there with enough time for B to take Little I swimming. He loved it and didn't want to come back to have dinner and go to bed. 
We got back and Monday and Tuesday we had doctor/dentist appointments. 
Wednesday I went to work and, long story short, I am no longer with Homesite. I'm at peace with it because I was going to need to leave to go to school full time next month anyway. 
I went down to the Job and Family Services office to apply for some things because this was kind of unexpected and I didn't have any savings. I also applied for unemployment, because I feel like my being fired was unjustified. So we'll see where this goes.

My parents belong to a campclub and the weekend of the 14th was a camping weekend, so they asked me to come watch their house and be there with Mamaw after she flew home on Saturday.

Trying to hide before we left the campground.
On the way home, completely engrossed in the movie.
At home after his doctor appointment on Monday.

In the car waiting for the rain to let up so we can go into the grocery store.

Playing at one of the local parks.

He was jumping off my big comfy chair onto the cushions.

House sitting (a.k.a: Mamaw sitting) for my parents on Saturday. I got bored and played around with B's hair stuff.

08 July, 2012

Mamatography: Days 183-189

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

A continuation of our vacation. We headed back on Saturday (got home Sunday) and Little I was wonderful the entire time. He also got to swim in a pool and had absolutely no fear. I, however, cringed a little each time he jumped in and just took off across the pool.

Hanging out in the camper.

My aunt and uncle's house from the driveway. They live on the side of a mountain.

Our attempt at a family picture.
All of us cousins took pictures together and got matching frames.

My cousin's 4th of July themed baby shower.

My uncle grows some extremely pretty flowers.

He has definitely come a long way from the last time we were down there.

My little fish.

He was even jumping off the diving board!

New shoes! I don't often get new shoes (my last pair was a gift from Christmas).
Being from Ohio, we don't often see temperatures like we saw down in NC and on our way back.