31 March, 2012

Mamatography: Days 85-91

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.
My best friend and her son X.

First ice cream cone from Strickland's of the season.

C finally let me pull her loose tooth.

Little I and his Mama and Papa.

I'm loving this new haircut.

M and C's doll.

My little tree hugger.

25 March, 2012

Mamatography: Days 78-84

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Sorry, there were a couple days that I forgot to take pictures. Ah, the hectic life of a single mom going to school and working. 
This construction guy was nice enough to give Little I a bit of a tour.

 Donated hair to locks of love.

New hair.

Family portrait

18 March, 2012

Mamatography: Days 71-77

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.


Haircut: Beginning


Almost done

Final look

The "Green Men" as Little I says.
 He couldn't get out of his room, so he panicked.

Boredom at work.

My little man knows all his colors. :-)

11 March, 2012

Mamatography: Days 64-70

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

 Little I and M. M is 3 days older than Little I.
 Not the snow again.
 Reading is our favorite past time.
 Little I and Papa
 Awesome wrap: Chicken, bacon, baby spinach, yellow peppers, chipotle ranch sauce.
 New skirt. :-)
My latest exam in Child Development. 112 out of 100

03 March, 2012

Mamatography: Days 57-63

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

 Sometimes even awesome 2 year olds like Little I have meltdowns.

 It's all fun and games until someone loses a head.

Hey. That's my side of the bed!

My new favorite jeans. 

Tried to get him to do the face from Home Alone.

Mommy and Little I