29 January, 2012

Mamatography: Days 22-28

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Sunday through Thursday I was sick. Like bad-enough-to-keep-me-home-from-church sick. And I think I gave it to Little I, at least partially. Poor bugger. When he's got the sickies, sometimes I give him a paci. This week he demanded it, haha.

Pretty much this week has just been work, school, and taking care of both Little I and me.

Also.. Wednesday sucked. I was at work and got several calls from Little I's daycare. Turns out he was trying to sneak away (crawling) from his nap cot and hit his head on the table. I don't really believe  their story because he has a GINORMOUS goose egg and bruise. I'm sure he'll have a black eye for a little while.

 Saturday I went out for my birthday and my mom kept Little I overnight and took him to church with her. My birthday is the ONLY time I ever let myself get anywhere close to being drunk. Mostly because my friend K will always be there to make sure everything goes well and I'm safe. We ended up going to a couple of bars then back to her house and crashing (like, all 12 of us) and then went out to brunch when we woke up. (oops, that's leaking into next week's post) :-)

Shapes and Animals? A horse and a...?

Ah.. The paci.

Cheese (pre goose egg)

Goose egg slowly going down on Thursday (crappy phone camera shot)

Friday's progression. Lovely black eye.

The best shot I have from Saturday.

21 January, 2012

Mamatography: Days 15-21

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

So I had been doing these posts just about every day, and then I realized that there are certain people that I don't want to know my daily schedule. So I'm following after Diary of a First Child, and doing a post at the end of a week.

Sunday was Awesome. Church, dinner at my grandma's house, an afternoon nap, then a Pure Romance party at K's house.

Monday I didn't have class, so it was just work and home with Little I.

Tuesday was pretty good. I made bonus at work and tried to take a self portrait with my new camera.

Wednesday I didn't have class again, then Little I had Awana  then we went to my parents for a bit and once we got home Little I was a mess and the only way to calm him down was to shove a pacifier in his mouth.

From now on out, Thursday will be known as the longest day Ever. Class from 7:45 to 10:30am, then work from 11:30am to 8:00pm. Plus, Aunt Flo decided to visit. Hence the picture of my favorite Diva.

Friday I had class then picked Little I up and got a TB test done for my Child Development class. And Little I played with his new (to him) favorite toy.

Today I worked while my car got worked on (and fixed!). While I was working, I realized that I'm definitely coming down with something like Strep Throat. (Swollen lymph nodes, cough, sore throat, etc...) Now I'm writing this and "studying" for my Child Development class. So far, I'm just looking forward to learning about Little I's age group.
Sunday: Nap time!

Who knows?
Monday: Little I took a turn with the camera
Self Portrait

Tuesday: Everyone has to have a bathroom picture, right?

The lovely Diva, without whom I would not have made it through the week.

Little I's favorite new (to him) toy.
Ah Child Development. Where I get to "create" a birth plan, for a grade. :-)

14 January, 2012

Mamatography: Day 14

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Today started off pretty good. Little I and I were up at 7am, and had breakfast and spent some time together before I had work. Work was stupid as always. (How many times can I explain a premium increase before my head explodes?) And then I picked Little I up from daycare. With a bloody nose. (I thought it would be rude to take a picture right then and there, so I waited until we were home).
Apparently he was playing with a truck and ran into the corner of a table. So I had yet another "Incident report".

Plus, something makes me think he didn't eat at all there either. Probably because he ate 2 peanut butter sandwiches (or just butter wiches like he calls them) a banana, and a handful of cheese. So I finally put him to bed, picked up the toys and folded laundry...

... and started to enjoy my "Mommy time".

Yes, it's pink. Be jealous. :-) Oh, and the zebra print is my sewing machine case. Be even more jealous--or just go to Wal-Mart and buy your own.

13 January, 2012

Mamatography: Days 10-13

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Tuesday, Little I and I were home sick. He was fine, really. Me? That's a whole other story. I was too sick to take any pictures. Sorry

Wednesday, I had class and work and my mom picked up Little I from daycare and he had AWANA. When I picked him up? He was pants-less. Apparently, the daycare hadn't had all three pair of pants in his diaper bag when my mom picked him up. Add that to the fact that the daycare had him in his training underwear and didn't tell my mom. So apparently at church, he didn't tell his teacher that he had to pee and wet his pants. Good thing it was the last warm-ish (45 degrees) day this week. We got home late, so this is the picture you get.

Little I and his baby.

Thursday, I had class and work again. From the moment I woke up, I just felt HORRIBLE. I made it from my first class at 7:45am to about 4:00pm at work before I just couldn't move without dizziness and nausea overwhelming me. (sorry if that's TMI) At that point, I sent my manager an email and booked it to my car. Picked up Little I and went home. Sorry, no pic for this day, it was just not happening and you don't want a picture of that. :-)

Today, I felt a lot better. I had class at 8:50. Luckily (sarcasm) the snow started last night, and it didn't look like the snow plows touched anything--even the main roads. The drive from my house to the daycare usually takes less than three minutes. Today? Ten minutes. Mostly because everyone was going five miles per hour. The drive from daycare to the school, which usually takes about five minutes, took about fifteen or twenty minutes. Then the professor didn't even show up after we waited for twenty-five minutes. So I had to drive again with the idiots on the road for no reason. I decided to skip MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) because the roads were so bad. Eventually the city plowed the roads and Little I and I made the trek to my parents house. Then we came home and my friend J came over and watched "Fright Night" with me. (Have I ever mentioned that I hate scary movies?) And now it's bed time. Here's a our snow.

My road.

More of the snow.. I mean roads.

10 January, 2012

Mamatography: Days 8 and 9

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Sunday, we went to church then to my parents' house.
Eggs and crackers, it took forever to get him to eat the eggs
B giving Little I horse rides
Apparently this horse was a little buck happy

Monday, I had my first day of class of this semester (Child Development) and then went to work. A little after three in the afternoon, I got 2 calls from Little I's daycare--which of course I couldn't answer at work--and then a call from my mom. Now I was panicking! So I asked my mom what was going on via text, and she told me that Little I was sick and puking. Great.. My mom picked him up and I met them at my house.

This is when he finally passed out, only to wake every half hour alternately puking and begging for chocolate milk. By the way, I'm loving this Clean Sheet. Mostly because it's green and waterproof.

07 January, 2012

Mamatography: Day 7

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Little I seemed much better today, so I went to work and then we went to visit with friends.

06 January, 2012

Mamatography: Day 6

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Today Little I was sick. However, there were two good things about today: 1. It was my day off, and 2. The Clean Sheet I ordered from Babies R Us came in the mail.

Note the Little Green Machine, wipes container, and multiple washcloths/hand towels in the background. Not a good start to my day.

My sick Little I with his puke bucket, on the Clean Sheet.

05 January, 2012

Mamatography: Day 5

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Today, between mandatory overtime at work and Little I's non-stop crying from the time I picked him up from daycare until I put him in bed (okay, that was a 10 minute span) I was just worn out today. The only things I've done are (more) laundry and finished Little I's new diaper. I won't post a picture of the laundry because I did that yesterday too, so here's the finished diaper:

My first time with FOE... hopefully I'll get better at piecing them together.

04 January, 2012

Mamatography: Day 4

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Today, between work and playing around with Little I, I started sewing a new diaper...

Did some laundry...

And got my books for this semester (from Amazon, with my Amazon Student account).

03 January, 2012

Mamatography: Day 3

Mamatography 2012
Mamatography: A 365 Day Photography Project. At least one picture per day of what you did that day.

Today: Spiderman!

Trains, trucks, and... Dinosaurs?

And: The first real snow of this winter!