18 May, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 2

3AM Rendezvous


AKA: Party Time!!!

Time For a Break...

From Facebook!

Every day, it seems like more and more people are taking to their statuses to complain about EVERYTHING. I really don't want to become part of the crowd, so I'm taking a break. But only from Facebook. I'm going to try to divert that attention to a few different things:
  1. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
  2. Spending more time playing with Little I.
  3. Re-starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Challenge
And last but not least--

     4.  Posting on here more!

 I'm going to start by posting my "Wordless Wednesday" post right after I post this. :-)

14 May, 2011

Life! It's what's happening right now

I has been too long since my last post! I just finished my first week off school. Needless to say, it has not been as lazy as I imagined.

     I had one lazy day, well kind of. On Monday, Little I and I cleaned EVERYTHING. Even the windows--which I discovered are double hung. I now <3 double hung windows. :-)

     Then, on Tuesday, my grandpa (who has Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in the stomach) was admitted to the hospital with an almost non-existent blood count. (read--he can get extremely sick very easily). This means that my grandma, aunts and mom have been at the hospital whenever they have free time. This also means that my aunt, Linda, has been "creating" free time by refusing to watch two of my cousin's sons--whom she has been watching for two years (at least, I can't remember) while my cousin works as a teacher.

     So I have been picking up the slack and taking care of my cousin's kids along with my son. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, I took care of "T", her three year old, Little I who is *almost* two years old, and "C" her six month old, from 8:00am until 3:45pm. Thursday, I needed a break. I felt bad, but I had already made plans with a friend and I just needed to relax. If it had been just two kids, I'd have been fine. But adding that third kid in there just makes me go crazy.

     Plus, Little I (who is in the process of potty learning) has been torn between being a "big boy" like T and being mommy's baby like C. So, when T goes to the bathroom, Little I is in his face saying, "You pee? You poop?" And when C starts crying, so does Little I. He wants C's bottle (which he never really ever had before) and wants to be all up on me when I'm holding C. After almost eight hours of that, I'm just done.

     But I'm going to do it all over again next week (Grandpa's projected release date is Tuesday, depending on his blood test results).

   Now, I'm off to get ready for my soon-to-be cousin's bridal shower. I will *try* to keep this thing more up to date, but who knows how many twists and turns life will throw at us next?

Until next time...